Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

Astana Giribangun

Astana Giribangun is a family tomb for the former president of Indonesia to-2, Suharto. Located in the eastern city of Surakarta, Indonesia, precisely in the Village Girilayu, District Matesih, Karanganyar District, History of Astana Giri Bangun dibangunsendiri originally in 1974 by the Foundation Mangadeg Surakarta, and opened in the year 1976. The inauguration was marked by the removal of the remains Soemaharjomo (Soharto Tien's father) and Siti Hartini Oudang (Ibu Tien's eldest brother), both of which were previously buried in the Tomb Utoroloyo, one big family tomb Mangkunegaran descent residing in the city of Solo.
This tomb was built on a hill, just below the Astana Mangadeg, complex burial Mangkunegaran rulers, one fraction of the Sultanate of Mataram. Astana Mangadeg at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level, while Giribangun at 666 meters above sea level. Buried at Astana Mangadeg Mangkunegara (MN) I aka Prince Sambernyawa, MN II and MN III.

 Election under Mangadeg position is not without reason; to remain saluting rulers Mangkunegaran, Ibu Tien Suharto was given the hereditary Mangkunegoro III. This tomb complex has three levels of the cupola (the tomb building): Argo Sari teletak cupola in the middle and highest, at bottom, there is a cupola Argo Flower, and the bottom is the main cupola Tuwuh.Pintu Astana Giribangun Argo is located on the north side. Directly adjacent to the southern side of the ravine which flows beneath Kali Samin a beautiful winding area is seen from the grave. There is also a door in the east of the tomb complex is a direct access to the Astana Mangadeg.

Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Hermitage Pringgodani

This time is a brief history of the Hermitage Pringgondani, under the slopes of Mount Lawu located in the Village District Blumbang Tawangmangu Karanganyar regency, Central Java, according to the evolving history, the monastery complex is Pringgodani UB V King's territory (the last king of Majapahit) on during his flight from the kingdom of Majapahit. The area was then handed over to his brother who was named Koconegoro as an expression of gratitude for his sacrifice for the kingdom of Majapahit. Since the collapse of Majapahit, King fled to the UB V Lawu to death with muksa (body and soul into the invisible realm) for 7 years. After that King sometimes UB V appeared around Spring Mayor to Hargo Dumilah.

According to the local community "Pringgodani" is a combination of the words: Pring, Nggon, and Ndani. Pring (Indonesian = bamboo) or bamboo because pring is a thing that could be anything, like a man who could do anything, whereas the nggon is Javanese word meaning place, and stands ndani ndandani Javanese word, which means the fix. So, Pringgodani is a place for people to improve themselves. While the name Koconegoro often called Grandmother Panembahan Koconegoro is a myth. Because the name is merely a metaphor, namely: that is the elder grandparent (the parent), Panembahan means a place, Koco means mirror, and Negoro means to us. Thus, it can be interpreted as the elder (sacred) and is useful to reflect on (improving) ourselves. 

Rabu, 06 Juni 2012

Mount Bromo

Good morning all, this  time I  will  introduce  one of the  beauty  of the   mountains  that  are   in Indonesia,  which was named  Mount Bromo,  you will not  regret  it   when  it had  been   on the mountain,   in addition to  nice we  could  enjoy  the scenery  characteristic that is in the area of ​​Mount Bromo.

This time I will share information about the mountain in East Java Indonesia by the name of Mount Bromo, Mount Bromo (Indonesian: Mount Bromo), is an active volcano and part of the Tengger massif, in East Java, Indonesia. At 2329 meters (7641 feet) it is not the highest peak of the massif, but the most famous. Massif area is one of the most visited tourist attractions in East Java, Indonesia. This volcano belongs to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. Name of Bromo derived from Javanese pronunciation of Brahma, the Hindu creator god.

Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Lake Sarangan

Good afternoon friends, this time I will share information about the lake sarangan, other than the story I will tell what is in the lake sarangan, please read and hopefully useful for all my friends, 
This time I will give information about Sarangan. the distance is too close Tawangmangu Approximately five miles ahead of the tourist sites Sarangan Tawangmangu direction, slope nose Petruk derivatives street once, so dominate. For a car with the engine not prime, would not be guaranteed a strong pass-hill climb, also known as sand lake is a natural lake located at the foot of Mount Lawu, in District Plaosan, Magetan, East Java. Located about 16 kilometers west of the city of Magetan. This lake covers about 30 acres and a depth of 28 meters. With temperatures between 18 to 25 degrees Celsius, Sarangan able to attract hundreds of thousands of visitors each year.
It is said that the story in the middle of the forest at the foot of Mount Lawu, living a married couple named Kiai Sand and Madame Sand. They lived in the wilderness in a way clearing and farming the fields.

One day, they went to Pasir Kiai farming fields. However, on the way, he saw a fist-sized egg sitting in the grove of scrub. Without thinking, Kiai Sand took the egg, and then brought back to the strange gubuknya.Telur not stored, but by Mrs. Sand cooked for their breakfast dishes. After a glut of eating eggs, Kiai sand back to the fields. Meanwhile, Mrs. Sand still waiting for her husband in his hut.
Not long after, Kiai sand that was in the field feel stomach pain abysmal. He was struggling because her stomach was very hot. He finally rolled over the ground field. The strange thing was, the body is turned into a dragon sand

Minggu, 01 April 2012

Borobudur temple

Good morning friends, this time I will share information about the native cultures of Indonesia, which might belom friends know about the culture in Indonesia, may be useful for all my friends.This time is a post about a temple from the wonders of the world including Indonesia which is called the temple of Borobudur. Borobudur Temple is a Buddhist temple located at Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. Location of the temple is about 100 km southwest of Manila, 86 km to the west of Surakarta, and 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta. Stupa shaped temple was founded by the Mahayana Buddhists around AD 800-AD in the reign of an dynasty dynasty. The monument comprises six square terraces on which there are three circular courtyard, the walls are decorated with relief panels and the original 2672 there were 504 major Buddha.Stupa largest statue in the middle teletak once crowned this building, surrounded by three rows of circular hollow stupa 72 in which there are statues of Buddha sitting cross-legged in the lotus position perfectly with the mudra (hand position) Dharmachakra mudra (turning the wheel of dharma).

This monument is a model of the universe and built as a shrine to honor the Buddha also functions as a place of pilgrimage to guide mankind to switch from natural lust to enlightenment and wisdom according to the teachings of Buddha. The pilgrims enter through the east side starting at the base of the temple ritual walk around holy building is in a clockwise direction, while continuing to go up to the next steps in the sphere through three levels of Buddhist cosmology. The third level is Kamadhatu (the realm of the passions), Rupadhatu (sphere shape),