Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Hermitage Pringgodani

This time is a brief history of the Hermitage Pringgondani, under the slopes of Mount Lawu located in the Village District Blumbang Tawangmangu Karanganyar regency, Central Java, according to the evolving history, the monastery complex is Pringgodani UB V King's territory (the last king of Majapahit) on during his flight from the kingdom of Majapahit. The area was then handed over to his brother who was named Koconegoro as an expression of gratitude for his sacrifice for the kingdom of Majapahit. Since the collapse of Majapahit, King fled to the UB V Lawu to death with muksa (body and soul into the invisible realm) for 7 years. After that King sometimes UB V appeared around Spring Mayor to Hargo Dumilah.

According to the local community "Pringgodani" is a combination of the words: Pring, Nggon, and Ndani. Pring (Indonesian = bamboo) or bamboo because pring is a thing that could be anything, like a man who could do anything, whereas the nggon is Javanese word meaning place, and stands ndani ndandani Javanese word, which means the fix. So, Pringgodani is a place for people to improve themselves. While the name Koconegoro often called Grandmother Panembahan Koconegoro is a myth. Because the name is merely a metaphor, namely: that is the elder grandparent (the parent), Panembahan means a place, Koco means mirror, and Negoro means to us. Thus, it can be interpreted as the elder (sacred) and is useful to reflect on (improving) ourselves.