Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

Astana Giribangun

Astana Giribangun is a family tomb for the former president of Indonesia to-2, Suharto. Located in the eastern city of Surakarta, Indonesia, precisely in the Village Girilayu, District Matesih, Karanganyar District, History of Astana Giri Bangun dibangunsendiri originally in 1974 by the Foundation Mangadeg Surakarta, and opened in the year 1976. The inauguration was marked by the removal of the remains Soemaharjomo (Soharto Tien's father) and Siti Hartini Oudang (Ibu Tien's eldest brother), both of which were previously buried in the Tomb Utoroloyo, one big family tomb Mangkunegaran descent residing in the city of Solo.
This tomb was built on a hill, just below the Astana Mangadeg, complex burial Mangkunegaran rulers, one fraction of the Sultanate of Mataram. Astana Mangadeg at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level, while Giribangun at 666 meters above sea level. Buried at Astana Mangadeg Mangkunegara (MN) I aka Prince Sambernyawa, MN II and MN III.

 Election under Mangadeg position is not without reason; to remain saluting rulers Mangkunegaran, Ibu Tien Suharto was given the hereditary Mangkunegoro III. This tomb complex has three levels of the cupola (the tomb building): Argo Sari teletak cupola in the middle and highest, at bottom, there is a cupola Argo Flower, and the bottom is the main cupola Tuwuh.Pintu Astana Giribangun Argo is located on the north side. Directly adjacent to the southern side of the ravine which flows beneath Kali Samin a beautiful winding area is seen from the grave. There is also a door in the east of the tomb complex is a direct access to the Astana Mangadeg.