Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Hermitage Pringgodani

This time is a brief history of the Hermitage Pringgondani, under the slopes of Mount Lawu located in the Village District Blumbang Tawangmangu Karanganyar regency, Central Java, according to the evolving history, the monastery complex is Pringgodani UB V King's territory (the last king of Majapahit) on during his flight from the kingdom of Majapahit. The area was then handed over to his brother who was named Koconegoro as an expression of gratitude for his sacrifice for the kingdom of Majapahit. Since the collapse of Majapahit, King fled to the UB V Lawu to death with muksa (body and soul into the invisible realm) for 7 years. After that King sometimes UB V appeared around Spring Mayor to Hargo Dumilah.

According to the local community "Pringgodani" is a combination of the words: Pring, Nggon, and Ndani. Pring (Indonesian = bamboo) or bamboo because pring is a thing that could be anything, like a man who could do anything, whereas the nggon is Javanese word meaning place, and stands ndani ndandani Javanese word, which means the fix. So, Pringgodani is a place for people to improve themselves. While the name Koconegoro often called Grandmother Panembahan Koconegoro is a myth. Because the name is merely a metaphor, namely: that is the elder grandparent (the parent), Panembahan means a place, Koco means mirror, and Negoro means to us. Thus, it can be interpreted as the elder (sacred) and is useful to reflect on (improving) ourselves. 

 Regarding pamuksan (disappeared) its UB V King is there other information that the studio entrance Pamelengan Dwi Jalmo Ngesti Sawiji written. The text can be interpreted as two human figures worshiping the one, that is God Almighty. However, another source explained that the word is sengkalan number of years, that bi means 2 (two), meaning jalmo 2 (two), ngesti equal to 8 (eight), and sawiji means 1 (one). Figure that was assembled in 2281, and since then the number of years sengkalan how to read should be reversed, namely 1822. That is in 1822 AD that is used as a place where moksa King Brawijaya V.

According to the story, the Hermitage Pringgodani is concerned with the story of King Boko. There was a king named Prabu Boko who has a habit of eating people. Because passion is not fair, then people around the Hermitage Pringgodani (Kalurahan Blumbang and Pancot) dimangsanya out. Stay a man named Mbok Rondho Dadapan, with her daughter who is 7 months old Harwati. At the time of King Boko also want to prey on Harwati, but Mbok Rondho Dadapan refused and asked for seven days. At this time, a hermit of Pringgodani down the mountain. The hermit was willing to help mbok Rondho incarnated as Harwati way and are willing to fall prey to Prabu Boko. When Prabu Boko Harwati prey to come and suddenly the child's hand holding Prabu Boko and slammed head on the stone embedded in the village of Howling Pancot. King Boko's head was crushed, eyes and brain into the limestone at Mt Dalkeith, fangs to plant onions, scallions teeth into, and his body became secondary crops. With the death of King Boko, and Blumbang Pancot community feel safe, then the hermit returned to his hermitage in Pringgodani.

Village was protected by a hermit, the village population and Blumbang pancot today held a ceremony held each day of the birth of the Hermit of the Day on Tuesday POND (Javanese calendar). The ceremony was held in the hope that people always feel safe, get a fortune, and blessings. Community also believe that many sacred places in these locations also have different meanings. It really depends on the motives and goals of the arrival of visitors, as well as the cult believes. There are visitors coming motives and purpose is to find inner peace, there is a search for the occult, and some who come for treatment.

Therefore Pringgondani made in the monastery complex, but has beautiful scenery, also known as a place that has magical powers. In the monastery complex is a lot of sacred places, namely:

(a). Spring Gedang Selirang, this place is an unstoppable flow of the river;
(b). Koconegoro hermitage. Koconegoro hermitage on the hillside north of Spring gedang Selirang;
(c). Panguripan spring. This spring is located on the western slopes of the Hermitage Koconegoro. Spring Panguripan has meaning that the water from the spring as a source of life;
(d). Spring bride (Shower Seven). Named Spring bride in the first place is because there are only two showers. But in its development there are now seven, so the shower is also called the Seven. Spring is a function of the bride for the shower, purification, alternative medicine, and meditation as well as to hold the petition;
(e). Muria spring. Spring Muria lies to the east of Spring Suite. Muria a spring underneath the waterfall and pool shelter there;
(f). Gentong spring. Gentong spring located on the right path to the Mayor of Lake Cave Pringgosari. Spring is depicted as a barn, where the storage of crops;
(g). Pringgosari cave. The cave is located on the slopes of the ravine. Inside the cave there is a statue named Kebo Danu. According to the trust property has a dirt bed and board, among other things: to refuse kebo reinforcements to pour dirt on the ground around the house, and to enrich the soil;
(h). Wali spring. Mayor original spring-shaped lake. Water source comes from the hills to the east in the form of a waterfall. Due to flooding and natural disasters are many large rocks that fall affected the flow of water, so the lake was piled large stones;
(i). Pringgosepi cave. Pringgosepi meaningful, that is a getaway. For the rituals of others should not go, because the narrow cave and in front there is the abyss, to enter the cave must use a safety rope body.

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